Few health issues are as irritating (figuratively and literally) as yeast infections and in many instances, yeast infections are treated like the elephant in the women’s health room that nobody likes to talk about. However, vaginal yeast infections are extremely common and can often be treated with some simple ingredients that are available in your kitchen cabinet.
The Center for Disease Control in the US found that about 75% of women get at least one in their lifetime. These infections, although mostly harmless, can be very uncomfortable and frustrating.Yeast infection is characterized by itching, burning sensation, swelling around the affected area or possible vaginal discharge that has a thicker consistency than regular discharge.
But, at times you may also notice signs of rashes, redness or irritation that may or may not be accompanied by swelling.
It’s important to note that if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or diabetic, home remedies should be avoided and you should see a doctor to treat your infection.
To get your health back on track, we’ve rounded up some of the most effective home remedies that you can try.
Apple cider vinegar is borderline miraculous as it’s antifungal and helps restore the pH balance of your vagina. It also increases the growth of healthy bacteria that may help in curbing yeast production.
Apple cider vinegar can also be ingested by adding a tablespoon of it to a glass of water.
Coconut oil has a soothing effect on irritated and inflamed skin, and has antifungal properties to fight the infection-causing yeast.
Probiotic plain yoghurt contains healthy bacteria, lactobacillus, that helps fight the yeast.
Eating plain, we repeat, PLAIN, unflavoured yoghurt with no added sugars as a part of your daily diet can do wonders.
Aloe vera has several beneficial properties that can help cure yeast infections.
While pure aloe gel has antifungal properties, internal consumption can help increase white blood cells, which helps your body fight yeast from within.
You can safely drink aloe vera juice every day until you see improvement. Just add 2 teaspoons of fresh aloe gel to any fruit juice and blend it together.

#Vaginalyeastinfection #naturalhomeremedies #vaginalinfections

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