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Natural remedies for water retention with Naturopath Lani Lopez
Our products must NEVER be acquired by the general public, they should be used only by professionals, gurus or health-conscious people with erudition on natural remedies.
Nuestros productos NUNCA deben ser adquiridos por el público en general, sólo deben ser utilizados por profesionales, gurús o personas conscientes de la salud con erudición en remedios naturales.
Rachel's groundbreaking treatment for her severe asthma | Asthma UK
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
Rachel’s asthma is so severe that she struggled to even climb the stairs at home. For years she was...
(Tamil) Cataract – Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
Treat cataract with natural home remedies by using either spinach or aniseed. For complete information check this short video...
9 Benefits of Taking Apple Cider Vinegar Daily
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
In this video, we delve into 9 Amazing Benefits of taking apple cider vinegar daily and how it can...
Remedios naturales y caseros para la trombosis venosa profunda
, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
Este vídeo se Remedios naturales y caseros para la trombosis venosa profunda -This Video Has Natural and Home Remedies...
7 Natural remedies for Sore Throat – Dr. Priya Jain
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
The common causes of sore throat are viral,bacterial,fungal,smoking,shouting and the allergies. Shouting is when our using vocal cords too...
Shrink Fibroids Naturally: How Natural Remedies Can Save Your Life!
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
Are you or someone you know struggling with fibroids? In this enlightening video, we’ll explore the effective and holistic...
Cefalea tensional o dolores de cabeza – Plantas medicinales y remedios naturales
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
El dolor de cabeza y migraña son una de las afección más frecuentes de la sociedad modernas debido a...