For In-depth info on Natural Remedies for head injury click here:

What are the best natural remedies for post-concussion syndrome? In our video, Dr. Jaycie Loewen will explain exactly what remedies help to progress and heal post-concussion syndrome.


Functional MRI is a scan that we use at Cognitive FX to see which parts of our patient’s brains are underperforming by mapping their blood flow to their brain. This is a technique that is only done at our clinic and the reason why we bring in people from all over the world.

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Have you been dealing with symptoms for longer than 3 months after your concussion, traumatic brain injury, whiplash, or another head-related injury? Sign up for a free consultation with us, and one of our doctors will help you on your pathway to recovery. Click this link here to sign up!

Is it possible to recover from Post-Concussion Symptoms? Yes! You can recover from post-concussion syndrome! This is just one tool that we use to help people recover from chronic concussion symptoms. We have individualized treatment plans just for you. check out our channel for more!

Stop dealing with the symptoms of Post-Concussion Syndrome, and start living your life again, to the same level or better than before!

Want more information on Post-Concussion Symptoms? Check out this blog post:

Important Chapters:
00:00 Best Natural Remedies for Concussions
00:15 Adverse reactions to medications
00:44 Cognitive & Physical Activities
01:12 Diet & Intake
01:32 Aromatherapy, Dry Needing, Music Therapy, etc.
02:06 These are good to do now!
02:32 Recommended Videos

#CognitiveFX #NaturalRemedies #DrLoewen


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