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Natural, Complementary & Alternative Healing/ Therapy/ Medicine in the Indian Diaspora
Our products must NEVER be acquired by the general public, they should be used only by professionals, gurus or health-conscious people with erudition on natural remedies.
Nuestros productos NUNCA deben ser adquiridos por el público en general, sólo deben ser utilizados por profesionales, gurús o personas conscientes de la salud con erudición en remedios naturales.
Natural Remedies For IBS Treatment | Herbs To Treat IBS | IBS Home Remedies |
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
Looking for natural home remedies for IBS? While prescription medicines may help relieve some IBS symptoms, they’re not appropriate...
Alternative Medicine & Home Remedies : Home Remedies for Curing Cold Sores
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
Home remedies can help cure cold sores, such as eliminating caffeine from the diet, eating yogurt, taking a B-complex...
Dr. Zee:The Best OZEMPIC Alternative (Without the Side Effects) | डॉक्टर ज़ी
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
In this video I’m going to talk about Ozempic. Ozempic is an injectable drug that’s used to help people...
Se Recuperó de Esquizofrenia Utilizando la Medicina Natural y los Remedios Caseros TESTIMONIO
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
La esquizofrenia es un trastorno cerebral crónico. Puede causar muchos síntomas, incluyendo: • Alucinaciones • Paranoia • Romper con...
Remedios naturales para la otitis
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
Natalia Mellado, diplomada en Herbodietética y Nutrición nos enseña remedios naturales para curar la otitis: 1. Aceite y ajo...
Malaria- Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
Don’t forget to check out our brand new website – Malarial infection enters the blood stream through mosquito bites...
CLM en Vivo: Remedios caseros para constipados
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
Reportaje emitido en el programa «CLM en Vivo» del día 14 de Enero de 2010 source
Herbal Healing : Natural Herbal Thyroid Remedies
HydroShivaShakti Synthetintelligence™, , 06. Educación & Referencia, 0
Hyperthyroid or hyperthyroid conditions can occur for many reasons, but you natural herbal thyroid remedies such as lemon balm,...