Dive deep into holistic pet care with Dr. Judy Morgan and Dr. Jody Bearman as they explore the intersection of traditional Western medicine and alternative practices like acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy, and food therapy to enhance your pet’s liver health. From chronic ear infections to skin issues, discover how understanding the liver’s role in overall wellness can transform your approach to pet care. This discussion is packed with practical tips and fascinating insights for pet owners and veterinary professionals alike!

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*DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this video is to educate and to inform. It is no substitute for professional care by a veterinarian, licensed nutritionist or other qualified professional. You‘re encouraged to do your own research and should not rely on this information as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Dr. Judy and her guests express their own opinions, experience and conclusions, and Dr. Judy Morgan’s Naturally Healthy Pets neither endorses or opposes any particular views discussed here.

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