In this enlightening video, Dr. Manoj Sharma—renowned Ayurvedic expert and Rashtriya Guru—explores the transformative power of Ayurvedic Milk Therapy. Discover how different milks offer unique healing benefits: starting with the light, easily absorbed goat milk, followed by cow, buffalo, and even elephant milk. Dr. Sharma explains how milk massage and therapy can relieve various ailments, boost immunity, and support holistic, non-surgical healing. This innovative approach seamlessly blends ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern science, revolutionizing natural and alternative medicine. Join us and learn how to harness these natural remedies for improved health and wellness!
Ayurvedic Milk Therapy, Dr. Manoj Sharma, Goat Milk Benefits, Cow Milk Benefits, Buffalo Milk, Elephant Milk, Ayurvedic Therapy, Holistic Healing, Natural Healing, Alternative Medicine, Ayurvedic Massage, Non-Surgical Treatment, Immune Boost, Ayurvedic Remedies, Traditional Medicine, Modern Ayurveda, Natural Remedies, Holistic Healthcare, Ayurvedic Neurotherapy, Panchakarma, Ayurvedic Milk, Healing Properties, Ayurvedic Science, Natural Therapy, Health Transformation, Integrative Medicine, Ayurvedic Wellness, Ayurveda in India, Holistic Treatment, Non-Invasive Therapy, Ayurvedic Research, Medical Breakthrough, Patient Success, Health Revolution, Ayurvedic Innovation, Ayurveda Legacy, Natural Healing Techniques, Mind-Body Healing, Ayurveda Benefits, Healing Journey, Global Ayurveda, Clinical Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Health, Ayurvedic Solutions, Ayurvedic Technique, Alternative Healing, Ayurvedic Lifestyle, Wellness Transformation, Natural Medicine, Health Empowerment
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यह चैनल डॉ मनोज शर्मा का है जो आयुर्वेदिक न्यूरो हॉस्पिटल एंड रिसर्च सेंटर , कोटा राजस्थान के डायरेक्टर है | साथ ही डॉ.मनोज शर्मा अनेक प्रकार की थेरेपी के जन्मदाता है इनके द्वारा रिसर्च की गई थेरेपी यह है | —-
1.आयुर्वेदिक न्यूरो थेरेपी, (AYURVEDA NEURO THERAPY )
2.आयुर्वेदा E.N.T थेरेपी , ( AYURVEDA E.N.T. BLINDNESS ,DEAF & DUMB THERAPY)
3.आयुर्वेदा मिल्क थेरेपी ( AYURVEDA MILK THERAPY )
4.न्यूरो पंचकर्मा थेरेपी (NEURO PANCHKARMA THERAPY )
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278-A, Sheela Chaudhary Road, Talwandi, Kota, Rajasthan 324005
Dr. Manoj Sharma
Dr.Venu Sharma
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